Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The Real World: Riverview - Week 3

Its nomination day and the first to nominate is Brian.
Brian: I nominate Lillian, because she is a liar and cheat and I can't stand being round her. I also nominate Leo, because he is trying to be freinds with everyone and I think it's just so he stays safe.
Cecily: I nominate Dawn, because she really intimidates me and Finn, because I don't know him that well at all and he kind of scares me.
Darcy: I nominate Dawn and Lillian, because they seem to have some little clique going on against Brian at the moment and it isn't nice.
Dawn: I nominate Cecily and Darcy. The two girls are just all chummy and I don't like it, they need separating.
Finn: I nominate Cecily, because I don't really know her well and Lillian, because either Brian or Lillian needs to go I am sick of all the arguments.
Leo: I nominate Brian and Lillian, one of them needs to go because the house just isn't fun anymore.
Lillian: I nominate Brian, because he is ruining my time here and I nominate Finn, because I still don't feel like I know him.
Toby: I nominate Brian, because he is making a bigger deal out of this cheating thing than needs be and I nominate Finn, because he kind of scares me.
Announcer: The people up for nomination this week are... Lillian... Brian... and Finn.
That night Toby went to do his usual visit to Viola.
Toby: I'm safe another week.
Viola: Well done honey. How's things between Lillian and Brian?
Toby: They have split up, the house is horrible, it's in a real divide.
Viola: I hope you haven't taken sides.
Toby: Not really. I just think Brian is being a little over the top.
Viola: Well just stay out of it.
Dawn and Toby are talking about life after here.
Dawn: I just can't wait to get out and live with my boyfriend.
Toby: Same, first things on my list are a wedding and children.
Dawn: That's so sweet, I don't know about kids myself.
Toby: You should have them. I think you would be a good mother.
Dawn: Really? That's so sweet.
Leo's brother Ethan is visiting and they are talking about the situation in the house.
Ethan: Are they even talking yet?
Leo: They are shouting at each other... that's not the same though is it?
Ethan: No... not at all.
Leo: Well I hope it gets sorted soon, or one of them goes.
Brian and Cecily are in the bedroom talking about relationships.
Brian: Never get in one, waste of time.
Cecily: I don't know about that I think you just need to find the right person.
Brian: And what makes you so sure of that?
Cecily: Well I have seen true love around the town.
Brian: From who?
Cecily: Silver and Oliver Chambliss. They are so cute. Always giving each other flowers and stuff. It gives you hope.
Lillian has gone out for the night to see her friend Jenifer Castle.
Lillian: They hate me. All of them hate me.
Jenifer: I bet they don't.
Lillian: I just feel so alone in there.
Jenifer: Well we are about to have an awesome night out. Get ready Lil.
Lillian went into the club and ran into an old friend, Bryant LaRue.
Lillian: Oh hello.
Bryant: Hey, I heard about what happened...
Lillian: Oh...
Bryant: It was classic! I mean I knew you wanted to experience life, but not that much!
Lillian: It's not funny Bryant!
Bryant: Oh no it is.
Lillian: Everyone hates me because of it!
Bryant: I don't give me a call sometime, yea?
Cecily and Brian are still in the bedroom talking about dating and relationships.
Brian: Do you know where I think I went wrong?
Cecily: Where?
Brian: Lillian wasn't as optimistic or truthful as you are.
Cecily: Oh.
Brian: I think I need a girl like you.
Brian leaned in to kiss Cecily, and she kissed back.
The next day Dawn approached Brian in the bathroom.
Dawn: What do you think you are doing?
Brian: What?
Dawn: You're dating another girl whilst Lillian is still here. You could at least wait till one of you left!
Brian: It doesn't concern you Dawn!
Dawn: It does because I have to live here too!
Brian: Well sorry for the inconvenience.
Dawn: Don't patronize me! You little skeeze! I just can't believe you right now!
Later Cecily and Darcy were arguing in the park.
Darcy: What do you think you are doing?!
Cecily: What? Me and Brian? He is sweet and...
Darcy: It doesn't matter Lillian is going to kill you!
Cecily: And?
Darcy: I just didn't think you would do something like this!
Cecily: Don't give me a lecture Darcy! I'm not in the mood.
Darcy: Look I'm just trying to look out for you. I still have your back and if she comes after you I will be there to help.
Cecily: Thanks. I just think I don't care any more. I'm sick of tip-toeing round people. I'm going to get what I want.
Darcy: Just be careful Cecily!
Finn and Brian are at the park talking about the eviction.
Finn: Good luck next week dude!
Brian: Same to you. I hope it's us two staying.
Finn: Same I guess we will just have to wait and see.
Brian, Finn and Lillian face the public vote. Who will you vote to evict?

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